Client: Private
Sector: Residential
Location: Broadstairs
Ward: XXX
Thanet District Council

This proposed 2 storey building would sit along Cliff Promenade, Broadstairs within a residential area and has been carefully designed to interact and respond to the surrounding context along Cliff Promenade.

The proposed building is to be contemporary in its appearance to reflect the varied appearance of dwellings in the area. The first floor of the building would be clad with brick and timber, the design of which is intended to create a visual interest through proposed recessed balconies and protruding roof canopies. The changing of facade depths softens the overall appearance of the building and helps to contrast to the solidity of materials. The entrance of the building steps out from the main facade and adds a variation to the building and creates visual interest, and breaking up the elevation. A contemporary flat roof approach has been proposed to reduce both the scale and the mass of the proposed dwelling significantly.