Client: Dandara Homes
Sector: Masterplanning
Location: Crowborough
Status: Planning
Through lengthy discussions with the local authority, and with the principle of additional dwellings supported against the backdrop of meeting the housing needs in the district, the proposed scheme provides an uplift of 17no. houses to the approved Reserved Matters scheme comprising a Site total of 120no. dwellings. The uplift of dwellings is accommodated solely within the eastern half of the consented development proposals through the ‘densification’ of the residential areas and housing parcels. The infrastructure and areas of public open space remain as per the Reserved Matters design and proposals.
The town centre is under a 30 minute walk away with many other mixed use zones considerably closer. There are a wide range of large and small businesses within walking distance of the Site including supermarkets, pubs, restaurants and shops.
The Site sits at an optimal location for leisure and close to a number of recreation areas and sports facilities. The open countryside to the north, east and south of the Site, which forms part of the High Weald AONB, offers many footpaths, cycleways and walking trails. Within a half hour walk are a number of parks, play areas, sports clubs and the historic village centre, which provides a number of restaurants, cafés and pubs for dining, drinking and socialising.
The proposed Site layout for the development incorporates 120 residential units with associated landscaping and amenities. The Site layout has been sensitively designed based upon strong contextual character studies, embedding the parameters established in respect of access, landscape and ecology.
The amended Phase II area now provides an appropriate and reflective housing density to the Phase I area. This is achieved through the ‘densification’ of the developable area, which improves the land efficiency within the consented Reserved Matters Phase II area.